Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My Life....

Ok, so I admire you people that have one passion - stick to it and excel in it. You are my heroes. I, on the other hand, am a dabbler....I dibble in this, and dabble in that. I am creative - therefore I get bored doing the same things over and over. Hence, my love for photography....the opportunities are endless. Every new day: sunrise-sunset, every storm, every person I meet, every animal, every fencepost, looks different in another light! God changes it for me every day! I really think HE is the greatest artist of all. There is beauty in everything - one way or another. Every photograph I take is different just because of the change in light. It is amazing. Photography is definitely my favorite passion.

My other passion is HOUSEKEEPING!!! Ackkkk...if you didn't think I was crazy before, you do now! Yep, I love to keep house. I love cooking and cleaning and all that good stuff.
I love being at home for my family as well. I have been, all my kids life and don't know how I would have survived if I had not! I think it is really important and found out just HOW much when I got a part-time job when they were in High School. They hated it. I guess they are spoiled rotten. But really, they love to come home and have me there and I am so thankful to have been able to do this and although we have our times, I love the commeraderie we have together - it has truly been worth every minute.

Besides all this, I love to travel.....ANYWHERE! The world is a fascinating place. I would love to go to Africa on a relief mission of some kind. There is so much need in our world - it would be great to find some small or large way to make a difference.
Someday, I am going to roadtrip - take weeks, and putter through home town America........and yep, I'll have my camera.

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